Red Hughs Notes 27.01.2025

Red Hughs Club notes 27/01/2025:

Membership 2025 Now Open

Membership for the 2025 season is now being taken, the Klubfunder App is open and you can click on the link or scan QR code below for access. The membership rates for this season are as follows:

Adult Membership €50

Youth Membership U18 €15

Couples Membership €80

Youth Multi Child Membership (3 or more children U18) €40

Adult Club Playing Member €80

Note: There is also a 15% (€12) discount on the Adult Playing Membership for students. If students are registering online they can purchase Adult Club Playing Membership at €80 for which they can then have the 15% discount reimbursed at a later date on presentation of their student card. Alternatively, students can pay the discounted rate of €68 in cash directly to the club registrar on presentation of their student card.

Minor Board

Parents/helpers are still required for the U6, U8 and U10 groups for this year. Saturday morning underage training for the U8 and U10 age groups will commence for this season at the CAKE Centre this Saturday the 1st February at 10.00am. U6 group will commence on the 22nd February. All new players and beginners are welcome.

Irish Life Every Step Counts Challenge

We will be lighting up the clubhouse and carpark again for the challenge this Wednesday the 29th of January at 7pm. Everyone is welcome, both club members and non-members. If you prefer to walk alone or if the time doesn’t suit, you can still take part in the challenge.

Pitchside Advertisements

Red Hughs CLG would like to sincerely thank all of our pitchside advertisers. There is still some space available for more businesses to place advertisements at our grounds. If interested, you can contact Andy Doherty on (089) 491 3247.

50/50 Thunder Ball Results 

Thunder Ball Draw Winners Monday 27th January:

1st: €1,000 – Dermot Cannon

2nd: €50 Bradley’s XL Voucher – Tony & Mary McConnell

3rd: €50 cash – Terri Kelly

Congratulations to all winners and thank you for your continued support.

Drive-in Bingo

Drive-in bingo continues this Thursday at 8pm in the club car park.


By proredhughsgaa Mon 27th Jan